Introduction to Mindfulness

Introduction to Mindfulness

February 3, 2019

This workshop provides a great introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation. It will leave you feeling relaxed, motivated and confident, with a toolkit of different approaches that will inspire you to begin a regular meditation practice.

You will learn core techniques throughout the day, dropping deeper into stillness with each practice, and leave armed with lots of helpful tips on how to cultivate mindfulness in your daily life – both at home and at work.

Places are limited so early booking is advisable.

Give yourself permission to let go of the need to ‘do’, and gift yourself the luxury of simply ‘being’.

Learn how to greet yourself and others with renewed compassion and kindness. Tune into the silence that lies within and watch the stresses of your day simply melt away.

Investment: £55 (includes lunch and refreshments)

Contact Suzi on for a booking form

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